Sunday, April 10, 2011

Raise your hands!!!

Raise your hands, stomp your feet, i made B.H.S. cheer and I'm so happy!!!!! try out week can be stressful, practicing the new routine, homework, other activities and eating! they all take time and i really didn't have times to just sit on the couch and relax. But I'm glad i didn't because through my hard work i was able to make it!!! before tryouts all i was doing was going over and over the routine in my head and finally it was my turn and i started shaking and i got really nervous. during my rallying i started cheering for Millcreek. hahaha it was really embarrassing and the judges kinda laughed under there breath. I'm so happy that i made it and i can't wait for high school it's going to be the best!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Lips

Haha so today was valentines and i think it was the best! A lot of people were saying single awareness day, but i don't think it's that. i think a lot of teenagers think it's only a holiday for the couples in the hallway... I think it's a day to show appreciation for each other. it doesn't have to be candle light dinner or anything like that, just a day to say thanks for all you do for me:) so that's what i did! Sunday night i made sugar cookies and gave them out to kids during school!